Where to Buy Hair Headband, Hairband?

Ngày: 26/03/2020 lúc 10:30AM

According to KhanPhuKien.com, the beginning of the Ice Age began after the ancient Greeks, about 475 BC to 330 BC - the hairpin wreath. The Greeks and Romans brought the Armband on special occasions or an important event. Cultures like Etruscan and Rome began to decorate their garlands with jewelry made of gold and silver. While the wreath is undoubtedly the beginning of today's Hairband .

Korean silk hair mane
Korean silk cloth headband

Brocade 2-layer hair mane
Double layer brocade cloth hairband

mane hair
Colored Denim hair band

big bang
Chrysanthemum hair band

big bang
Plain hair color headband

big bang
Hair band with dark blue / black hair

big bang
Brocade lace hair band

long hair bomb
Rabbit hair headband

Korean hair bomb
Double layer fabric headband (outside with fine mesh cloth)

Some people believe that the current day headband has gradually been formed from the scarf that was worn around the head or modified from bands of hats that attached to the chin.

In the early 20th century, a wide band called a head band was a very popular accessory in women's fashion .
During the 1950s and 1960s, many charming young women in England and the United States wore plastic headbands with honeycomb hairstyles, or silk veils when driving. At the same time, working-class women wrap cloth strips around their hair that is protected from industrial smoke and dirt. And back then, they always asked each other where to buy the headband ?

There are many materials used to make cloth , plastic, hemp, teeth, human and animal hair, bones, and novel materials.

Currently all over the world, Bingo is almost fixed with fabric (spandex, tole, cotton with spandex ...)

In Vietnam, before this time, it was an indispensable item for farmers. Fabric Headbands help absorb sweat, prevent dirt and can provide good sun protection.

From 2010 up to now, Hair Bands has been transformed into an indispensable accessory for girls, helping girls look more tender, tender and more feminine! And in the last 2 years, when traveling, backpacking, backpacking, and traveling again are an indispensable accessory for both men and women with different names such as Turban , Turban Hiphop , Multipurpose Scarf , ...

>>> See the available Headbands at the Accessories Towel for people who don't know Where to Buy Hair Ties

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