Sample Size of Turban Towels, Satin Silk Scarf, Bandana Scarf

Ngày: 30/03/2020 lúc 14:17PM

While the pattern is quite cumbersome and entangled for fashion accessories in autumn and winter, the square scarves (Turban Scarf, Satin Silk Scarf, Bandana Scarf) are small, lovely and have many fashion fans all over the world. gender, Vietnam in general and Ho Chi Minh City in particular are very popular.

These beautiful square hair accessories, small neck wrap can create many fashionable styles for you with a variety of variations from wristbands to collars, handbags, scarf ... Today Let's find out what the above-mentioned square towels and materials have!

Turban Towel (55x 55cm)

- Seems like a familiar pattern of our fashion followers. Young people in Ho Chi Minh City seem to be no stranger to this beautiful square tissue.

khan turban
1 beautiful turban towel

1 sample of beautiful and standard turban is usually about 55 x 55 cm. This is a nice medium size for applications of this tole fabric line. Towels can be used to wrap hair, cuffs, collars, bags, office towels.

You can see the instructions for turban tied here: HOW TO CELEBRATE TURBAN according to the instructions of the Accessory Towel

Satin Silk Scarf (60 x 60 cm)

- Satin Silk Scarf is woven from a high quality silk yarn, the scarf is shiny and soft, shiny. In addition to the size and use of some other turban patterns, satin silk towels are very gentle, soft, sweaty, cool in the summer, uncharged close to the body in the winter ...

silk scarf1 sample of silk satin scarf of HCMC Accessories

In addition, people often use a special type of satin silk "Lanh My A", also known as "half-wear Silk Satin" for uniform scarves. The fabric was dyed from bark and fruit. A tree grown in the South of Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City.

You can see the instructions for tying satin towels here: 6 WAYS OF SQUARE SQUARE SATIN, SQUARE SILK in the way of Towel Accessories

Bandana (55 x 55 cm)

- Material of 100% Cotton towels, which is derived from cotton plants. When people know how to plant cotton, wait for the fruit to ripen, and they take back the raw cotton fibers in the cotton that have cracked, bring it, bleach it, they spin it into yarn and every cotton reel to weave into a bandana square scarf, used to make multi-function towels, masks, hair bands, collars or uniform towels.

bandana scarfBandana scarf (also known as EXO turban towel) in Ho Chi Minh City only has some basic colors

You can learn more about the origin of Bandana Towel here: BANDANA TOWER - TURBAN EXO

See more existing product models for Accessory Towels:

- Turban Towel HCM

- Fabric Belt

- Uniform Scarf

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