Office Uniform Scarf, Company: Silk Satin Scarf Square / Letter L

Ngày: 30/03/2020 lúc 14:20PM


Nowadays, besides office uniform such as pants, shirts, shoes, it is impossible to forget to mention uniform towels for office workers and office workers. Charming, neatly tied scarves, on elegant uniforms is no longer the most strange thing for women in Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnam.

uniform provides uniform towels for companies / offices / offices (Photo: Square silk satin scarf)

According to Accessories , there are many companies in Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnam have sewed and designed for their company a sample of uniform scarf for women. There are countless designs, as well as cleverly crafted to create a point that helps you become more attractive and polite.

Do you know how to distinguish uniform and fashionable scarf ?

Normally, regular towels, you can break up, create many different styles to suit the clothes, accessories you are wearing, or even the same color with the clothes. When it comes to fashion towels, you can mention the types of towels that are currently storming, wobbling many people that is turban .

uniform scarf1 sample of uniform scarf in Korea (Source: )

In recent years, this type of turban is not only reserved for celebrities, stars in the world, but the trend of turban scarf has come to young people who love fashion and beauty immediately Should be a hot accessory, always sought. This towel can be modified and used in any weather, hot or cold.

And uniform scarf

A specific towel that represents a distinct character of a company, organization or group of activities regardless of Ho Chi Minh City in particular or Vietnam in general. This type of uniform scarf will be a little more demanding than the fashion scarf, it will be the same color and style among many people in the same organization, tied in a similar way. We can see many companies and restaurants have designed uniforms for their employees.

uniform scarf

The uniform scarf combined with the shirt is very suitable, you can tie a big bow or a traditional knot or simply use it to make a scarf. When the uniform scarf is combined with a high-necked T-shirt, you can tie it very gracefully.

uniform scarf

The “L” scarf type is suitable for a girl in a business suit. If you know how to exquisitely flatter your uniform scarf, there should be a subtlety in matching colors, white tops can be combined with all colors except white towels. Conversely do not use the same color scarf with your outfit.

uniform scarf

uniform scarf

uniform scarf

uniform scarf

See all products of Accessory Towels here .

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