Long Turban Towel - Beautiful Variant Of Square Turban Towel

Ngày: 30/03/2020 lúc 14:21PM

According to KhanPhuKien.com, in recent years in Ho Chi Minh City, many young girls have also become a "addict" of fashion scarf - turban. A name of towel is not new and not difficult to buy in Vietnam. Turban towels are usually made of silk or chiffon, there are many colorful motifs and many different designs: square turban, or long triangle turban ... They all have a mission. It is to enhance the beauty and lovely for the girls.


khan turban

Square turban towels

Square turban scarves can be modified, creating a lot of benefits for beauty. You see, a lot of girls like to combine a square turban to make a bow in the neck, just as an accessory that looks very polite.

turban scarfTurban towels create your own definition (Image: KhanPhuKien.com)

Whether you are an office worker or a girl who is still attending school, they all bring a unique beauty. With variations of turban scarves make scarves make office people look more elegant, more elegant. For girls who are still attending school, they will prove to be stronger when creating cute bows, combined with uniform shirts.

office uniform towelsScarf wrap collar brings sophistication and elegance for women (Image: KhanPhuKien.com)

Turban scarf can make accessories for knots will also be extremely personal and trendy for us to go to the party, combined on the hand is a handheld wallet.

Dam Vinh Hung in an event in HCM (Image: Zing.vn )

Long turban scarf

With long turban scarves can make extremely cute and lovely hair accessories. You can create a beautiful bow or replace a regular hair band, which will be a highlight on your hair if the combination of turban.

long turban scarfSimple but long turban can bring many other uses

A little note for those who are new to turban scarf both square and long towels. If you are not a fan of towels, you should choose towels that are a little harder, a little bit thicker so that you can easily walk the frames you want.

long turban scarfLong Turban with sand cloth, the inside is thinly padded zinc is a good choice

Silk turban will be soft and it will be suitable when you are familiar with styling with towels. If you are not confident, then you should try the inner zinc thread which will help you easily get used to and beautify with that turban. Because the hard inner thread will make a strong frame, you can bend, create bows without worrying about melting, breaking, but you can do it quickly again.

You can see the Turban Towel models here , or all the existing Hair accessory product lines here .

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