Introduction - Towel Accessories

Ngày: 26/03/2020 lúc 10:33AM

Accessory Towel was born on August 18, 2013. A long time ago, Accessory Towel had also asked and wondered:

- Where to buy a headband ?

- Buy turban towels where ?

- Or, where to buy bandana (EXO turban scarf) ?

Every time you need to go to the Accessory Towel rummage, tinkering on google to see where to sell, where to work, from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City or the provinces, to find the sample of turban towels you like, the nice headband , or good quality bandanas . There are many times getting frustrated by the stealing business of some stores, from the careless processing of the store to the negligence of the delivery unit, and the disadvantage is yourself. Accessories Towel (buyer) bears, but sometimes don't know who to complain to! And it's time for Accessory Towels to think that we should do something, do something about Towels that Towel Accessories have always enjoyed: selling Turban Towels, selling Turban Headbands, selling Hair Bands and selling Bandana Towels. .

On August 18, 2013 , Accessory Towel ( ) was born, with hopes, wishes, ambitions:

Answer to everyone the questions:

Where to buy (where to sell) hair bands, cloth bands, hair bands?

Where to buy (where to sell) turban?

Where to buy (where to sell) bandana (turban exo) scarf?

Over all that time, through many difficulties, Scarf Accessories today serve you daily. Turban scarves , headbands , hair bangs , hair bands , or turban exo ( bandana ) are still sent to your beloved stylized, gentle or dusty. , the dynamic of hiphop scarves .

At present, Accessories is still active in the online market


Facebook: fb / yenshop1991

Phone: 0909.25.15.00 (+84)

Accessory Towel is very thankful to all of you who have accompanied Accessory Towel during the past time, thank you very much!

Lân Nguyễn

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Đã thêm vào giỏ hàng!

Áo sơ mi nam dài tay Café-DriS khử mùi hiệu quả Xanh Aqua / L 349.000đ
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