How to Wear (Wear) Cloth Headbands How to Wear Hair?

Ngày: 26/03/2020 lúc 10:25AM

According to Wearing a headband is a great way to add "spice" to your hair style and add a touch of sophistication to your outfit. You can wear a headband in many different ways and for almost any occasion. If you want to know what a Hair Headband is, today will show you how to Wear a Hair Headband:

Refer to 4 Ways of Wearing (Wearing) Beautiful Hairband with

Instructions to install Hair Bands in Korean style

Double Layer Fabric Hair Band

With an elastic elastic bandage: There are many ways to wear a traditional elastic headband . It will be smaller than one The headband is normal and will be stretched with elastic bands so it can be fixed around your hair. This type of headband has more enduring power. Here are a few ways to set a headband:

Hide it under your back hair. Turn your ponytail back into a ponytail with a bit of hair glue and fan out the ends of the ponytail to create a loose and interesting look. Put the elastic headband about 5cm back from your hairline. Make sure the headband is fixed so it will not slip.

how to wear a cloth headbandSet Bang Do hiding under his hair

Pair it with braided hair. Place your fabric headband under tight braids about 5cm back from your hairline. This will create a cute and sporty look.

how to wear the cloth band

Wearing a headband to keep your hair in the middle - With girls who like to comb in the middle, make sure to beautify yourself with a stretchy elastic headband in front of your forehead.

This style is suitable for girls with no bangs or long bangs. You can then swipe your hair to both sides to become more personal.

how to install the headband

how to wear the headband

how to install the headband

how to install the headband

how to wear a headband

how to wear the headband

>>> See the available Headbands at Accessories for you not know Where to Buy Headbands

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