How Long is a Turban Square Scarf Beautiful?

Ngày: 02/04/2020 lúc 15:55PM

How long does a square turban need to be just as beautiful? Should we check carefully the width and length of the towel before ordering?


turban scarf

Here are some questions that many customers - turban devotees are asking before choosing a suitable turban, suitable for their own style.

turban scarf

As you probably know for many years, turban is one of the favorite accessories for many young people. Besides, with the increase in the way to buy online online on the internet, before buying online any product including turban towels, young people have many skeptical questions to buy an extra scarf. sue most with your will .

bandana scarf

Turban towels are available in many sizes

Depending on your intended use, depending on the style you want. For example, with the style of using turban to make a hair band behind, making a scarf or making a handkerchief, their size is about 30-50 cm long .


turban scarf

turban scarf

bandana scarf

With such small towels it will be easy with the type of hand tied, tied bow at the neck. However, if you want scarves that can make headscarves to shade the sun, or towels wrapped in braids, then you should choose the longer turban, their lengths fall between 55-70 cm .

bandana scarf

silk scarf

Long or short square turban

It's up to you, and it fits every style you want. If you are a girl with long hair, or braided hair, you should choose for yourself long, wide turban scarves. Short turban scarf can not only make hair accessories but it can be modified as scarves, wristbands, extremely personality. Style turban with a scarf suitable for her rock style.

turban scarf

long turban scarf

For girls who are addicted to short turban, they can use a towel to wrap around the briefcase, bag that they often carry. Or can decorate the pair that you often wear, looks more personal and active.

khan khien

Whatever your style, using a short or long square turban can combine to create more personal, softer styles. Your favorite long turban or short turban has a lot of designs, patterns, colors ... depending on your preferences. So why hesitate, but did not choose yourself a favorite scarf.

You can refer to the beautiful turban towel samples at to have more options offline.

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