Beautiful Turban Wrap (Tie) Turban

Ngày: 31/03/2020 lúc 13:52PM

If you currently own on hand turban sleek, beautiful design, but do not know what to do to create your own impression? Please refer to the ways to wrap beautiful turban covered by Accessory Towels and find out below!


Wrap turban in knotted form

Knotted form is a pretty simple wrap, suitable for girls who begin to enter the profession. To wrap a scarf in this type of knot, you should have high bun, knotted style suitable for girls with strong personality, confidence and trendy youth.

how turban that dry

How to wrap: First, you fold the towel diagonally at an angle, then fold in turn forming layers of overlap, until the length of the width of the towel falls to about 3 to 4 cm, then wrap on the head.

how to wrap turbanInstructions on how to wrap knotted turban

Go from the back of your neck to the top of your head, then tie a knot in your forehead. Next, you wrap to the 2nd round and then tied at the last forehead to make sure the scarf is attached. With 2 ends of towels, you cleverly wrap them inside the newly wrapped turban, that's it. Do you have a simple style but still beautiful, personality.

Wrap turban in a bow shape

Bow shape creates a sense of simplicity, lovely chatter. Therefore, the girls with this kind of personality, the bow-shaped wrap is always effective.

how to wrap turbanHow to wrap turban with ribbon

With this type of wrap, completely similar to the type of wrap introduced above, only when knotting should tie 2 buttons at each round, to make the scarf more secure, while reducing the excess length when the wrap is complete , and finally, the two ends of the tie are not rolled in but let them be natural, creating lovely and funny bows.

A style that wraps around a strand of garlic

For those girls who like garlic hair tufts and regular buns, this type of wrap is very suitable. Turban scarves can hold your hair in a bun to make it stronger, while creating a delicate, gentle beauty on the top of the head.

turban khanGarlic hairstyle tied turban scarf

The way to do this is also quite simple, after you bun garlic, then proceed to wrap the towel from the back of the bun forward. You wrap one loop by crossing two ends of the string, then loop them back and tie the knot at the back of the neck. So you have a new kind of bandage, fast, simple.

Turban style bohemieng turban

The bohemieng style makes people in Ho Chi Minh City think of a little "wild" atmosphere. This type of turban tied in this style is more classic and wild. Therefore will make the appearance of the girl attractive and impressive.

Tie a turban

This type of scarf is suitable for girls with light curly hair. And when wearing a scarf, you should untie your hair to bring bold nature and classic.

Above are some ways to wrap (tie) a popular, simple turban that Accessory Towel collects. In addition, there are many other ways to wrap towels that you can tailor to suit your hair, face and style. If you want to buy turban towels in HCM at Accessories Towel can refer here .

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