Bandana Towel - EXO Turban Towel

Ngày: 28/03/2020 lúc 16:39PM

Bandana Scarf - Also known as Turban EXO Towel is a popular product line in Europe and America with many shapes and sizes. From hair ties, head wraps, face masks to belts, dog collars or even pet leashes.

Where to Buy Bandana Towels ?

Where to Buy Turban EXO Towel ?

Bandana Scarf was introduced to Vietnam in accordance with the movement of K-Pop groups and has created a strong effect from EXO, so young Vietnamese people often call this Turban EXO Towel .

While woolen scarves are quite heavy and entangled for autumn and winter, small, lovely bandana scarves are favored by many fashion followers around the world. This cute little accessory can create many styles for you with a variety of variations from wristbands to collars, bags, hair accessories ...

Unlike Turban Headbands, which are designed to make hair beautiful, the larger bandana has a square shape like a handkerchief, which is popularly tied in the knot at the back of the neck and looks like coveralls. Bandana motifs are usually cubes, with different details decorated in a circle.

khan bandana
Bandana towels are very suitable for cool days or just slightly sunken. This scarf was born for the purpose of fashion towels, not warm like normal ones.

Currently in Vietnam, Accessory Towel is the largest manufacturer and distributor of Bandana (Turban EXO) with the best quality and design.

- Fashion (surely this is the main use already).
- Use a towel to clip hair, trim hair (this is also an indispensable use of Turban EXO Towel).
- Absorb sweat.
Instructions for preserving Bandana Towels :
- Only wash towels by hand, not machine.
- Soak towels in shampoo or shower gel.
- Squeeze in one hand to drain, do not twist with two hands or stretch. Can flake vigorously to drain.
- Dry in a cool towel, avoid direct sunlight.
- Store when towels are dry, do not dry too long to avoid towels fading.

Frequently Asked Questions:

See all towel patterns of Khan Accessory at
Lân Nguyễn

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